How would it feel knowing that you can scale your brand to 6 and 7 figures and that you own your business name and will never have to rebrand?

Our team at Berkley Sweetapple Law supports entrepreneurs like you through the trademark process so you can scale and grow without ever having to worry about someone replicating your genius. Safeguard your hard work and file your trademark with expert assistance.

Your business name can be yours from the start.

Protect your brand by establishing the exclusive right to use your business name to sell your products and services 

Ditch the overwhelm that so often comes with the legalities of running a business

Sleep like a baby knowing that our team of experts is by your side from start to finish in the trademarking process

Our Clients Have Been Featured In:

Signs you need a trademark

in your business asaP: 

  • You’re launching a business, course, or product 

  • You’re obsessed with the name, slogan, or logo associated with your brand 

  • You’re spending (or have spent) thousands of dollars on branding, websites, or marketing 

  • You’re concerned with competitors swiping your ideas 

  • You’re considering the possibility of selling your business one day

  • You don’t want anyone replicating your genius

  • You want to scale your business with ease and without added expense or stress.

If these sound like you,

You need a trademark.

“Why do I need a trademark?”
We’re so glad you asked.

From Nike’s infamous Just do it® to your favorite apparel from Spanx® – you’re surrounded by the impact of trademarking every day

But what would have happened if those brands didn’t legally protect their names, logos, and slogans? Copycats would have decreased their brand recognition, exclusivity, and value by pouring all-too-similar names and products into the market. But instead, their lawyers squash any competitors with the guts to do so. 

That’s the importance of a trademark.

But don’t be fooled, trademarks aren’t just for corporations and big businesses. 

They are for any brand or business that wants the exclusive right to use their brand marks like names, slogans, or logos in all 50 states. So yes, that means you too! 

I’m here to give you a jargon-free breakdown of what a trademark is and why it’s important to your business. Press play on the video to watch!

Now let’s get into the nitty gritty so you can scale with ease in 2024. Here’s our fluff-free expert opinion on the trademarking process for your personal brand or small business.


ANY business who has invested their creativity, strategy, and hard-earned money into their brand should file a trademark to protect their business and investments. 


Your business name is a no-brainer to protect, but it doesn’t end there. Slogans, logos, and other brand marks, like the name of products, courses, or signature processes – you can trademark them all!


You can file a trademark even before you launch. You should complete at least a search before you invest in branding or marketing. The sooner, the better. But it’s NEVER too late (unlesss someone beats you to it). 

As for the how? That’s where we come in.

Meet the lawyer

We get it – we’re business owners, too!

Hi, I’m Berkley, the lead attorney on all trademark applications at our firm, but I’m also a business owner and a mom (which sometimes feels like another job in itself, am I right?).

After I got my law degree at Boston College Law School nine years ago, I dove right into the legal world of litigation, where I watched people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on problems that could have been avoided with proper legal planning.

Quickly realizing the courtroom lawyer life wasn’t my calling, I set off into the business world with a legal-lifestyle blog. Soon after, I noticed the gap of legal knowledge and access to affordable resources for my fellow self-starter business friends. Not to mention the general intimidation factor that came with the term “lawyer” in the online community. 

Our goal as a team is to reshape the idea of business legalities being scary, overwhelming, or only for big corporations. Every business owner deserves to have legal peace of mind knowing their hard work is protected. That’s what we’re here to do! 

At Berkley Sweetapple Law, you’ll always get:

Customized legal advice and years of expertise to guide you smoothly through the entire trademarking  process 

Attentive and thoughtful support, no matter who you are, where you come from, or what phase of business you’re in

Full transparency about our processes and flexible payment options to make sure you can get the protection you deserve 

Dare we say… FUN?! Legalities don’t have to suck the joy out of your business, we’re here to make sure of that

Don’t be spooked by the legal lingo. At Berkley Sweetapple Law, we’re here to make the trademark process as easy as possible – with expert legal advice, tried-and-true processes, affordable payment options, and a let’s be friends approach.


Trademark Registration Package


2 Consultation Calls ($750 Value)
Up to 2 Comprehensive Searches ($2000 Value)
Application Filing ($1500 value)
Response to all Common Office Actions** ($1500)

Total Value: $5700+

Investment: $2,500*

*Government filing fees not included, $250  per class of goods or services

** If we tell you a mark is low or moderate risk, we will also cover the cost of answering all refusals.

Need a payment plan? No problem!

Payment plans are zero-interest - your first payment is due when we start, and subsequent payments are due one month apart.


of $1,300


of $900

We’ve been busy helping entrepreneurs in various industries build and grow their brands.

As specialists in small business law, we’ve supported countless entrepreneurs in a variety of fields to trademark their brands and confidently step into their next level of business.

We’ve been busy protecting…

  • Health and Wellness Coaches 

  • Interior Designers 

  • Social Media Managers 

  • Online Business Coaches 

  • Fashion Designers 

  • Apparel Companies

  • E-commerce Businesses 

  • Pilates Studios 

  • Wealth Managers 

  • Brand and Website Designers 

  • Psychics 

  • Wedding Vendors 

  • Therapists 

  • And so many more!

Don’t just take it from us. Here’s what our clients turned biz friends have to say about their experience!

“Berkley took all my legal worries away!

She made getting the trademark for my business very easy. She also helped me with all my legal contracts and website policy. I adore working with her because she is a great communicator, explains things in an easy to digest manner and is a pleasure to be around!”

- Katie Love, Social Media Agency Owner

“We cannot say enough good things about our sweet Berkley! She is SO knowledgeable.

we could not have made a better choice in trusting her with the trademark process for our small business.

It was seamless and she did every ounce of the heavy lifting, making a confusing and hard process seem easy and simple. She is so clear and communicative through the entire process, and her flexibility and speed to get things done is unmatched! We are so thankful to have her for all future legal needs for our business, and for the friend we found in her! So much love for Berkley.”

- Ashley + Lauren of The Little Gatherings, Picnic & Event Company

“When I reached out to Berkley about trademarking my name for my copywriting business, I had little to no idea of what the trademarking process would look like. She was the first lawyer I reached out to (after stalking nearly half of all business attorneys to exist) and I immediately felt at ease. She is SO knowledgeable, down to earth, and cares about your business like it's her own. 

If I could register one million trademarks with her, I would! Choosing Berkley and her team was the best decision I could have made for my brand. Just do it!”

- Kait Cozzens, Morph Copy House

“Taking the leap to trademark our business with Berkley is one of the best decisions we've ever made!  During our discovery call, we quickly realized the value of Berkley's knowledge and expertise. She made the process so simple and so quick; we answered questions and signed some forms and Berkley did all the heavy lifting with the application.

We have worked extremely hard to build our business and trademarking with Berkley has given us so much peace of mind that our brand will never be compromised.

If you're thinking of working with Berkley don't hesitate because she's the Trademarking Queen!”

- Heather, Owner and Founder of Bounce Bright 

How it works

From your first consultation to trademark approved, we’re here to take away the stress and confusion of legal paperwork, so that you can be the go-to recognizable expert in your niche.

  • Start by booking your free consultation where we’ll lay out what the process will look like for your business while you ask all of your burning questions. Plus this pressure-free chat is a great way to get to know each other before going all-in on your business protection!

  • You wouldn’t go into surgery without an examination first, right? Well, the comprehensive search process is a trademark lawyer’s version of an x-ray, revealing pending and registered trademarks, as well as state trademarks and business entities, and common law results from the internet and social media that could result in trademark refusal.

    We’ll scour the 100+ page report so you don’t have to and write up our opinion letter on the risk associated with your application, as well as the suggested classes to file in based on your goods or services.

  • Once you’ve taken the time to look over our opinion letter, it’s time to get your application filed! That means you get to sip a margarita somewhere under the sun as we prepare your entire application for you. You’ll give your stamp of approval before we send it off to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)! EEK!

  • Now that it’s in the hands of the USPTO, our team will keep you updated so you never have to wonder what is going on. In the meantime, we handle any Office Actions that might come up right away to keep your application moving forward. No frown lines allowed – we’ve got you covered!

  • After any Office Actions are dealt with, the USPTO will then publish your trademark for opposition! Woohoo, we’re in the homestretch. After the opposition period, your trademark becomes registered and you officially own the exclusive right to use your name, logo, or slogan!

Have a few questions?

If you want to find out more about how we can make your business feel easier through trademarks or get more clarity, you can book a consultation call below where we can discuss your business goals and exactly how we can help you.

Bonus Alert!

When you hire Berkley Sweetapple Law to file your trademark, you’ll get 50% OFF everything from our legal contract template shop.

Protect every corner of your business using our plug-and-play templates crafted specifically for entrepreneurs and reviewed by fellow attorneys. In the shop, you’ll find:  

  • Contract Agreements

  • Website Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy 

  • Non-Disclosure Agreement

  • Independent Contractor Agreement

  • And bundles made specifically for your industry! 

If you’re looking to get all of your legal ducks in a row, we’ve got you covered. Trademarks, contracts, and everything you need to protect your business as you grow. 

Thinking of DIYing your application? Read this first

Filing your trademark yourself or choosing a low-cost filing service is tempting. Could you DIY your trademark application? Absolutely, you can do anything you set your mind to! But here’s three big reasons why we wholeheartedly suggest working with a licensed business attorney rather than going it alone. 

Reason #1:

You’ll save precious time.

Running a business while also just having a life can be busy. Spending hours researching and filling out paperwork shouldn’t have to be on your to-do list. 

Reason #2:

You’ll likely save money in the long run.

If the USPTO issues an Office Action, you could wind up paying more in fees to continue the process than what you’d pay hiring us from the start. Yikes! 

Reason #3:

You’ll know it was done right the first time.

All of those years in law school (what? Like it’s hard?) and real-time experience serving entrepreneurs means we know exactly what to expect and how to set you up for success.  The USPTO itself recommends using an attorney to file.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can trademark a name as soon as you have a good faith intent on using it - ideally before you launch! There are two types of trademark applications - one for before you start using a mark, and one when you are already using the trademark in connection with your goods/services. The sooner the better, but it's never too late - until someone else has registered the name or a similar name first.

  • No. While your state likely will not allow you to form a business entity with the same name as someone else, forming an LLC with your name does nothing to give you the exclusive right to use your name in your industry. Only having a federal trademark accomplishes that.

  • The USPTO's timeframe changes, but generally the whole process takes about 14 months or more. However, the day you file is the day you have priority to your name in the eyes of the USPTO. Our team gets to work right away after you book your trademark package so that you can kick-start the process ASAP! You can see the current USPTO processing times here!

  • A lot of trademark cases that clients come to me to fix start with trademarks that are filed with filing services. Oftentimes these filing services are not actual attorneys and are more like trademark factories. It costs more to fix an application gone wrong than it does to hire an attorney to do it right the first time. Reputable, experienced trademark attorneys usually charge somewhere in the $2000-$5000 range.

  • While you CAN start using your name right away, it's a good idea to trademark as early as possible - the best time is before you launch. That's because you could be infringing on someone else's trademark without realizing it (and get a nasty cease and desist letter from that person's attorney and THEN have to spend thousands on a rebrand). If you wait to trademark, you run the risk that someone else will do it before you.

Any questions we missed? Feel free to email us at and we’ll happily talk through any thoughts or questions you have!

There’s nothing like that trademarking feeling. 

Just ask our clients!


In 2021, there were over 536,000 trademark applications filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), which was a 25% increase from the previous year. 

There’s no better time than now to lock in ownership of the brand you’ve worked so hard to build.


Trademark Registration Package


2 Consultation Calls ($750 Value)
Up to 2 Comprehensive Searches ($2000 Value)
Application Filing ($1500 value)
Response to all Common Office Actions** ($1500)

Total Value: $5700+

Investment: $2,500*

*Government filing fees not included, $250  per class of goods or services

** If we tell you a mark is low or moderate risk, we will also cover the cost of answering all refusals.

Turning your business into
Your Business®
is about so much more than that cute little status icon. It’s about protecting…

  • The countless business investments you’ve poured into your brand 

  • All of the hours of hard work, creativity, and strategy you’ve developed

  • The integrity of your business and how you serve your people

  • Your unique services, products, and approach

  • Your peace of mind as a passionate entrepreneur

But alright alright, adding that little icon is pretty cool, too.

Consider this your official invite to the group of inspiring, talented entrepreneurs who have chosen peace of mind and protection for their growing brands and businesses. 

Our team thinks you deserve the same. So what are you waiting for? We can’t wait to chat with you about all things trademarks.