
Legally Protect Your Business
in a Day

Tackle your legal projects, and set your business up to scale…done for you in a day.

Our Legal VIP Days…

Include a laser-focused day(or half day) with our team working on your legal projects, including an initial legal audit/planning session.

After we come up with a legal plan of action, you can relax while we get to work on your legal projects

 We’ll work in person together (or remotely) to solidify your legal foundation and set your business up for success.

Full-Day VIP

  • Includes up to four trademark applications

  • Three additional legal projects (ex: terms of purchase, copyright applications and custom client agreements).

  • Plus you'll receive unlimited access to all legal templates for one year.


Half-Day VIP

  • Includes two trademark applications

  • Two additional legal projects (ex: terms of purchase, copyright applications and custom client agreements).


Who is this for?

  • Six or seven-figure businesses who are scaling quickly

  • Businesses that are delivering a variety of services in a variety of ways, i.e., 1:1 client services, masterminds, courses, speaking, creating online offerings

  • Businesses that desire a single-day of legal planning and immediate peace of mind

Preparing for your VIP Day

Before your legal VIP day we’ll review your current business activities, potential risks, and the legal protections you have in place currently. We’ll also spend some time together on the phone to do a bit of planning and go over your priorities for you big legal VIP day!

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What our VIP day clients are saying…

“Hiring Berkley was the best thing I ever did.
Our VIP day completely altered how I felt in my business.
Having custom protection on my program names/signature
frameworks and knowing that my terms of purchase
and agreements are all air tight has made it 100 times easier for me to focus on what I’m good at.
When you start showing up and protecting yourself like a 7 or 8 figure CEO, the money always follows.”

Leanne Lopez Mosley, Rich Queen

“My income has tripled since I hired her and it’s no coincidence.”

 Ready to get started?

Please fill out the form below: